Research and Review Articles


 The list of my research and review articles arranged in a reverse chronological order…

(this list does not include approximately 200 abstracts presented at the national and international meetings since 1979; and about 20 Book Reviews on others’ books, published in various journals)

ORCID identity 0000-0002-3478-1381

Google scholar analysis of citations to my publications

(as per 22 August 2024)

If you need a copy of any article from my list below, you are welcome to send me an email, and I will try to send its pdf to you…. I cannot attach pdfs here because of all those conditions put by the publishers etc.


Main journals and journal/book-series in which my research and review articles have been published so far (in alphabetical order)
    • Acta BioMedica (Italy)
    • Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
    • Aging (US)
    • Ageing and Disease
    • Ageing Research Reviews
    • American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
    • Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
    • Anti Cancer Research
    • Antioxidants
    • Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
    • Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences
    • BELLE (Biological Effects of Low Level Exposure) Newsletter
    • Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
    • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International
    • BioEssays
    • Biogerontology
    • Biological Chemistry
    • Bioscience Reports
    • Biozoom
    • Cell Biology International
    • Cell Stress and Chaperones
    • Chemico-Biological Interactions
    • Chemistry Central Journal
    • Chemosphere
    • Cosmetics
    • Critical Reviews in Toxicology
    • Current Opinion in Toxicology
    • Current Pharmaceutical Design
    • Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalised Medicine
    • Discovery Medicine
    • Dose Response
    • EMBO Reports
    • Encyclopaedia of Life Sciences
    • Encyclopaedia of Gerontology
    • Experimental Cell Research
    • Experimental Gerontology
    • Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery
    • FASEB Journal
    • FEBS Letters
    • Food and Chemical Toxicology
    • Free Radical Research
    • Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine
    • Frontiers in Bioscience
    • Frontiers in Genetics: Ageing
    • Global Policy
    • Human and Experimental Toxicology
    • Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
    • International Journal of Molecular Sciences
    • International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases
    • International Review of Cytology
    • IUBMB Life
    • Journal of American College of Nutrition
    • Journal of Aging Science
    • Journal of Anti-aging Medicine
    • Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Methods
    • Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
    • Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling
    • Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
    • Journal of Cellular Physiology
    • Journal of Ethnopharmacology
    • Journals of Gerontology: Biological Sciences
    • Journal of Plant Physiology
    • Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
    • Medical Science Research
    • Methods in Molecular Biology
    • Molecular Aspects of Medicine
    • Molecular Biology Reports
    • Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
    • Molecules
    • Mutation Research
    • Nature Biotechnology
    • Nutrients
    • Oman Medical Journal
    • Osteoporosis International
    • Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
    • Plant Growth Regulation
    • Plant Science
    • PLoS-One
    • Polish Journal of Chemistry
    • Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
    • PRIME: International Journal of Aestheitc and Ant-Ageing Medicine
    • Rejuvenation Research
    • Redox Biology
    • Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology
    • Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TIBS)
    • Trends in Biotechnology (TIBTECH)
    • Turkish Journal of Biology


273. Rattan, S.,Bartke, A., Rose, M. R., Lim, L. W., Caruso, C., Ulfhake, B. & Olovnikov, A., Holistic approaches to healthy longevity. In:  Handbook on Longevity Medicine: The Road Map. Trukhanov, A. & Chan, M. (eds.). European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-aging Medicine, 2024; p. 247-286 40 p.

272. Rattan, S.I.S. Seven knowledge gaps in modern biogerontology. Biogerontology, 25, 1-8, 2024;


271. Rattan, S.I.S. and Kaur, G. Nutrition, food and diet in health and longevity: we eat what we are. Nutrients, 14: 5376, 2022;

270. Gierlicka, I., Rattan, S.I.S. and Wnuk, M. Perspectives on using bacteriphages in biogerontological research and interventions. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 366, 110098, 2022. doi:

269. Meron et al, including Rattan, S.I.S. with almost 50 other authors: Meeting report: aging research and drug discovery. Aging, 14(2), 530-543, 2022  doi:

268. Rattan, S.I.S. Physiological hormesis and hormetins in biogerontology. Current Opinion in Toxicoogy, 29: 19-24, 2022.


267. Rattan, S.I.S. and Kaur G. Nutrition, food and diet: recapitulation, conclusions and suggestions. In: Nutrition, Food and Diet in Ageing and Longevity (editors: Rattan, S.I.S. and Kaur, G.), pp. 1642-648, Springer, 2021.

266. Bhattacharya K. and Rattan, S.I.S.  Fats and oils for health and longevity. In: Nutrition, Food and Diet in Ageing and Longevity (editors: Rattan, S.I.S. and Kaur, G.), pp. 153-62, Springer, 2021.

265. Rattan, S.I.S. Nutritional hormetins in ageing and longevity. In: Nutrition, Food and Diet in Ageing and Longevity (editors: Rattan, S.I.S. and Kaur, G.), pp. 109-122, Springer, 2021.

264. Rattan, S. The science of aging interventions. IAS Aging Matters, 2021

263. de Toda, I.M., Rattan, S.I.S., de La Feunte, M., Arranz, L. Female mice reaching exceptionally high old age have preserved 20S proteasome activities. Antioxidants, 10 (9), 1397; 2021 doi 10.3390/antiox10091397


262. Rossnerova, A., Izzotti, A., Pulliero, A., Bast, A., Rattan, S.I.S., Rossner, P.  The molecular mechanisms of adaptive response related to environmental stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences; 21, 7053, 2020. doi:10.3390/ijms21197053

261. Sholl, J and Rattan, S.I.S. How is “Health” explained across the sciences? Conclusions and recapitulation. In: Explaining Health Across the Sciences; editors: Sholl, J. and Rattan, S.I.S.; chapter 30, Healthy Ageing and Longevity, volume 12; pp. 541-549; Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020. doi: /10.1007/978-3-030-52663-4_30_

260. Rattan, S.I.S. Biological health and homeodynamic space. In: Explaining Health Across the Sciences; editors: Sholl, J. and Rattan, S.; chapter 4, Healthy Ageing and Longevity, volume 12; pp. 43-51; Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020. doi: /10.1007/978-3-030-52663-4_4

259. Lewinska, A., Sodagam, L., Bloniarz, D., Siems, K., Wnuk, M., Rattan, S.I.S. Plant-derived molecules α-boswellic acid acetate, praeruptorin-A and salvianolic acid-B have age-related differential effects in young and senescent human fibroblasts in vitro. Molecules, 25: 141, 2020. doi: 10.3390/molecules25010141

258. Rattan, S.I.S. Naive extrapolations, overhyped claims and empty promises in ageing research and interventions need avoidance. Biogerontology, 21 (4), 415-422, 2020  DOI 10.1007/s10522-019-09851-0

257. Rattan, S.I.S. Hormesis and hormetins in aging. In: Rattan, S.I.S.
(Ed.), Encyclopedia of Biomedical Gerontology. Elsevier. vol. 3, Academic Press,  (2020);

256. Bhattacharya, S., Rattan, S.I.S., 2020. Stress Response Pathways. In: Rattan, S.I.S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Biomedical Gerontology. Elsevier. vol. 3, Academic Press, pp. 282–289 (2020);

255. Rattan, S.I.S. Homeostasis, Homeodynamics and Aging. In: Rattan, S.I.S.
(Ed.), Encyclopedia of Biomedical Gerontology. Elsevier. vol. 2, Academic Press, pp. 238–241 (2020);


254. Gopi, I.K. and Rattan, S.I.S. Biphasic Dose-Response and Hormetic Effects of Stress Hormone Hydrocortisone on Telomerase-Immortalised Human Bone Marrow Stem Cells in vitro. Dose Response (2019): 1-9; DOI: 10.1177/1559325819889819

253. Calabrese, E.J., Agathokleous, E.,  Kapoor, R., Kozumbo, W.J., Rattan, S.I.S. Re-analysis of Herbal Extract Data Reveals that Inflammatory Processes are Mediated by Hormetic Mechanisms. Chemico-Biological Interactions 314: 108844; (2019).

252. Sholl, J. and Rattan, S.I.S. Biomarkers of health and healthy ageing from the outside-in. In: Biomarkers of Human Aging; pp, 37-46, editor: A. Moskalev; Springer, Dordrecht (2019).

251. Calabrese, E.J., Dhawan, G., Mattson, M.P., Rattan, S.I.S. Curcumin and hormesis with particular emphasis to neural cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 129: 399-404, 2019  doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2019.04.053

250. Sodagam, L., Lewinska, A., Kwasniewicz, E., Kokhanovska, S., Wnuk, M., Siems, K. and Rattan, S.I.S. Phytochemicals rosmarinic acid, ampelopsin and amorfrutin-A can modulate age-related phenotype of serially passsaged human skin fibroblasts in vitro. Frontiers in Genetics: 10:81, 2019. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00081

249. Rattan, S.I.S. Hormesis for healthy ageing.  Chapter 18; In: The Science of Hormesis in Health and Longevity (Editors: S. Rattan and M. Kyriazis); pp. 201-212;  Academic Press UK; 2019

248. Bhattacharya, S. and Rattan, S.I.S. Primary stress response pathways for pre-conditioning and physiological hormesis. Chapter 3; In: The Science of Hormesis in Health and Longevity (Editors: S. Rattan and M. Kyriazis); pp. 35-54;  Academic Press UK; 2019


247. Rattan, S.I.S. Aging principles and perspectives for intervention. Chapter 1: In. Molecular Basis and Emerging Strategies for Anti-aging Interventions (Editors: Syed I. Rizvi and Ufuk Cakatay); pp. 1-18; Springer Nature, Singapore; 2018.

246. Rattan, S.I.S. Biogerontology: research status, challenges and opportunities. Acta Biomedica, 89 (2): 291-301, 2018 DOI: 10.23750/abm.v89i2.7403

245. Stambler, I., Jin, K., Lederman, S., Barzilai, N., Olshansky, S.J., Omokaro, E., Barratt, J., Anisimov, V., Rattan, S., Yang, S., Forster, M., Byles, J. Aging health and R&D for healthy longevity must be included into the WHO work program. Aging and Disease, 9 (1): 1-13, 2018. 

244. Rattan, S.I.S. Ageing genes: gerontogenes. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, eLS, 1-5, 2018; doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0003059.pub3

243. Rattan, S.I.S., Demirovic, D. and Nizard, C. A preliminary attempt to establish multiple stress response profiles of human skin fibroblasts exposed to mild or severe stress during ageing in vitro. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 170: 92-97 (published:


242. Sodagam, L., Lewinska, A., Wnuk, M., Rattan, S.I.S. Chronic exposure to rapamycin and episodic serum starvation modulate ageing of human fibroblasts in vitro. Biogerontology, 18 (5), 841-854, 2017. DOI 10.1007/s10522-017-9730-8

241. Sikora, E. and Rattan, S.I.S. Editorial: The Future of Ageing: not more of the same. Biogerontology, 18 (4) 429-432, 2017; DOI 10.1007/s10522-017-9720-x

240. Rattan, S. Anti-, pro- or healthy-ageing. Household and Personal Care Today (H&PC Today), Vol. 12, Nr. 2, 2017,

239 Rattan, S.I.S. Hormetins as drugs for healthy aging. In: Anti-aging Drugs: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice, Editor: Alexander M. Vaiserman; Chapter 7, pp: 170-179, 2017;  The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, RSC Drug Discovery Series No. 57.


238. Luetyn, Walter; Antal, Peter; Braekman, Bart; Bundy, Jake; Cirulli, Francesca; Fang-Yen, Christopher; Fuellen, George; Leroi, Armond; Liu, Qingfei; Martorell, Patricia; Metspalu, Andres ; Perola, Markus ; Ristow, Michael; Saul, Nadine; Schoofs, Liliane; Siems, Karsten; Temmerman, Liesbet; Smets, Tina; Wolk, Alicja; Rattan, S.I.S. Ageing with elegans: a researh proposal to map healthspan pathways. Biogerontology, Vol. 17, Nr. 4, 2016, s. 771-782.

237. Rattan, S.I.S. If aging is a disease, then it is your own fault. Journal of Aging Science, Vol. 4, Nr. 2, e120, 2016.

236. Rattan, S.I.S. Molecular and cellular basis of aging. In: Molecular Basis of Nutrition and Aging. (editors: Marco Malavolta and Eugenio Mocchegiani); pp. 3-9; Elsevier Academic Press; 2016. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801816-3.00001-7

235. Mytych, J., Wnuk, M. and Rattan, S.I.S. Low doses of nanodiamonds and silica nanoparticles have beneficial hormetic effects in normal human skin fibroblasts in culture. Chemosphere, 148: 307-315, 2016.


234. Rattan, S.I.S. Biological basis of ageing, age-related diseases and interventions. Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalised Medicine, 13 (2): 90-92, 2015.

233. Rattan, S.I.S. Aging and senescence of skin cells in culture. In: Textbook of Aging Skin. Editors: Miranda A. Farage, Kenneth W. Miller, Howard I. Maibach; Chapter 50; Springer-Verlag, 2015  doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-27814-3_50-2

232. Rattan, S.IS. Biology of ageing: principles, challenges and perspectives. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, 56 (4): 1251-1253, 2015

231. Lopez-Lluch, G. and Rattan, S.I.S. Facing challenges in an ageing world (Editorial). Biogerontology, 16:567-568, 2015. doi: 10.1007/s10522-015-9597-5

230. Demirovic, D., Nizard, C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Basal level of autophagy is increased in aging human skin fibroblasts in vitro, but not in old skin. PLoS-One 10(5): e0126546. | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0126546

229. Nedic, O., Rogowska-Wrzesinska, A. and Rattan, S.I.S. Standardization and quality control in quantifying non-enzymatic protein modifications in relation to ageing and disease: why is it important and why is it hard?  Redox Biology, 5: 91-100, 2015.

228. Rattan, S.I.S.  Nutrition and food for health and longevity. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology and Neurological Diseases, 5:45, 2015  doi: 10.4103/2231-0738.153789

227. Rattan, S.I.S. Hormetins as novel components of cosmeceuticals and aging interventions. Cosmetics, 2: 11-20, 2015    doi:10.3390/cosmetics2010011

226. Gezer, C., Sevinç Yücecan, S., and Rattan, S.I.S. Artichoke compound cynarin differentially affects the survival, growth and stress response of normal, immortalized and cancerous human cells. Turkish Journal of Biology; 39: 299-305; 2015  doi:10.3906/biy-1407-67


225. Le Bourg, E. and Rattan, S.I.S. Hormesis and trade-offs: a comment. Dose Response, 12: 522-524; 2014   DOI: 10.2203/dose-response.14-054.LeBourg

224. Rattan, S.I.S. Ageing, health, hormesis, and future lines of investigation: Editorial. Journal of Aging Science, 2:3; 2014

223. Rattan, S.I.S. Guest editorial, in PRIME: International Journal of Aesthetic and Anti-Ageing Medicine, July/August 2014; pp 5

222. Demirovic, D., de Toda, I.M., Nizard, C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Differential translocation of heat shock factor-1 after mild and severe stress to human skin fibroblasts undergoing aging in vitro. Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling, 8: 333-339; 2014.   DOI 10.1007/s12079-014-0244-8

221. Jørgensen P. and Rattan, S.I.S. Extracellular matrix modulates morphology, growth, oxidative stress response and functionality of human skin fibroblasts during aging in vitro. Journal of Aging Science, 2:2; 2014

220. Rattan, S.I.S. Aktiv og sund alderdom, men hvad er sundhed? Gerontologi, 30: (1) 8-11, 2014. (in Danish)

219. Demirovic, D., de Toda, I.M. and Rattan, S.I.S. Molecular stress response pathways as the basis of hormesis. In: Hormesis in Health and Disease, editors: S.I.S. Rattan and E. Le Bourg;  CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA; Chapter 12, pp. 227-241; 2014.

218. Le Bourg, E. and Rattan, S.I.S. Preface: Hormesis and its use in human health: scope and perspective. In: Hormesis in Health and Disease, editors: S.I.S. Rattan and E. Le Bourg, CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA; 2014.

217. Jørgensen, P., Milkovic, L., Zarkovic, N., Waeg, G. and Rattan, S.I.S. Lipid peroxidation-derived 4-hydroxynonenal-modified proteins accumulate in human facial skin fibroblasts during ageing in vitro. Biogerontology, 15: 105-110, 2014. DOI 10.1007/s10522-013-9482-z

216. Rattan, S.I.S. Molecular gerontology: principles and perspectives for interventions. In: Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Brian and Neurologic Health, (Editors: Ronald Watson and Fabian De Meester); Academic Press, Elsevier Inc., Chapter 2; pp: 9-18; 2014.

215. Rattan, S.I.S. Aging is not a disease: implications for interventions. Aging and Disease 5: 196-202, 2014.

214. Rattan, S.I.S. Molecular gerontology: from homeodynamics to hormesis. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 20: (18), 3036-3039, 2014.  doi. 1381-6128/14


213. Rattan, S.I.S. Healthy ageing, but what is health? Biogerontology, 14: 673-677, 2013.  DOI 10.1007/s10522-013-9442-7

212. Nedic, O., Rattan, S.I.S., Grune, T. and Trougakos, I.P. – Molecular effects of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) on cell signalling pathways, ageing and pathophysiology. Free Radical Research, 47 (suppl. 1) 28-38, 2013    DOI: 10.3109/10715762.2013.806798

211. Rattan, S.I.S. “I think that the small peptides are the best for healthy ageing…”, and interview with Vladimir Khavinson. Biogerontology, 14: 1-8,  2013.  doi:10.1007/s10522-013-9414-y

210. Rattan, S.I.S. Nutritional hormetins and aging. In: Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for the Aging Population (editor: Ronald Watson), Academic Press Elsevier Inc., pp: 201-207; 2013

209. Rattan, S.I.S., Kryzch, V., Schnebert, S., Perrier, E. and Nizard, C. Hormesis-based anti-aging products: a case study of a novel cosmetic. Dose Response, 11: 99-108 2013 (DOI: 10.2203/dose-response.11-054.Rattan)

208. Demirovic, D. and Rattan, S.I.S. Establishing cellular stress response profiles as biomarkers of homeodynamics, health and hormesis. Experimental Gerontology, 48: 94-98, 2013   doi:10.1016/j.exger.2012.02.005


207. Rattan, S.I.S. Nutritional hormesis, healthy aging and longevity. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2012 (communicated)

206. Hansen, T.Ø., Sarup, P. Loeschcke, V. and Rattan, S.I.S. Age-related and sex-specific differences in proteasome activity in individual Drosophila flies from wild type, longevity-selected and stress resistant strains; Biogerontology, 13: 429-438 (2012) DOI 10.1007/s10522-012-9387-2

205. Demirovic, D. and Rattan, S.I.S. Aldring, homeodynamik og hormesis. (in Danish) BioZoom, 15: 17-20 (2012) (magazine of the Danish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

204. Rattan, S.I.S. Rationale and methods of discovering hormetins as drugs for healthy aging. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 7: 439-448 (2012)  doi: 10.1517/17460441.2012.677430

203. Larsen, S.A., Kassem, M. and Rattan, S.I.S. Glucose metabolite glyoxal induces senescence in telomerase-immortalized human mesenchymal stem cells. Chemistry Central Journal, 2012, 6:18 (13 pages) doi:10.1186/1752-153X-6-18

202. Rattan, S.I.S. Cellular senescence in vitro. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 15 February 2012; (DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0002567.pub3)

201. Rattan, S.I.S. Biogerontology – from here to where? The Lord Cohen Medal lecture-2011. Biogerontology, 2012, 13: 83-91 (DOI 10.1007/s10522-011-9354-3)



200. Demirovic, D. and Rattan, S.I.S. Curcumin induces stress response and hormetically modulates wound healing ability of human skin fibroblasts undergoing ageing in vitro. Biogerontology, 12: 437-444, 2011 (doi:10.1007/s10522-011-9326-7)

199. Olshansky, S.J., Biggs, S., Achenbaum, W.A., Davison, G.C., Fried, L., Gutman, G., Kalache, A., Khaw, K.T., Fernandez, A., Rattan, S.I.S., Guimaraes, R.M., Milner, C.and Bultler, R.N. The global agenda council on the ageing society: policy principles Global Policy, 2: 97-105, 2011.

198. Lima, C.F., Pereira-Wilson, C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Curcumin induces heme oxygenase-1 in normal human skin fibroblasts through redox signaling: relevance for anti-aging intervention. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 55: 430-442, 2011.

197. Rattan, S.I.S. Biological principles of aging and approaches for intervention. In: The Field of Biological Aging: Past, Present and Future (editor: Abdullah Olgun), pp. 1-15, Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum, India.


196. Holliday, R. and Rattan, S.I.S.  Longevity mutants do not establish any “new science” of ageing. Biogerontology, 11: 507-511, 2010.  

195. Rattan, S.I.S. Origins of ageing mechanisms and prospects for anti-ageing interventions. In: Origins as a Paradigm in the Sciences and in the Humanities (Editors: Paola Spinozzi and Alessandro Zironi), pp.  29-39; Interfacing Science, Literature, and the Humanities / ACUME-2, volume 6; V & R Unipress, Goettingen, Germany, 2010.

194. Rattan, S.I.S. and Deva, T.  Testing the hormetic nature of homeopathic interventions through stress response pathways. Human and Experimental Toxicology, 29: 551-554, 2010.   (also published in BELLE Newsletter, 2010). 

193. Rattan, S.I.S. Targeting the age-related occurrence, removal, and accumulation of molecular damage by hormesis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1197: 28-32, 2010. 

192. Rattan, S.I.S. and Demirovic, D. Hormesis as a mechanism for the anti-aging effects of calorie restriction. In:Calorie Restriction, Aging and Longevity. (Editors: A. Everitt, S.I.S. Rattan, D. Le Couteur and R. de Cabo); pp. 233-245, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

191. Rattan, S.I.S. Aging of skin cells in vitro. In: Textbook of Aging Skin. (Editors: M.A. Farage, H.I. Maibach, I. Howard and K.W. Miller); Springer, New York, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-89656-2_50, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

190. Rattan, S.I.S. Synthesis, modifications and turnover of proteins during aging. Advances in Experimental Biology, 694: 1-13, 2010. 

189. Rattan, S.I.S. and Demirovic, D. Hormesis can and does work in humans. Dose-Response, 8, 58-63, 2010.    

188. Le Bourg, E. and Rattan, S.I.S. Is hormesis applicable as a pro-healthy aging intervention in mammals and human beings, and how? An introduction to the special issue of Dose Response, Dose Response, 8, 1-3, 2010.
187. Basaiawmoit, R.V. and Rattan, S.I.S. Cellular stress and protein misfolding during aging. Methods in Molecular Biology, 648: 107-117, 2010.
186. Lima, C.F and Rattan, S.I.S. Determination of proteasomal activities. Methods in Molecular Biology, 648: 183-192, 2010.
185. Singh, R., Kølvraa, S., Bross, P., Christensen, K., Bathum, L., Gregersen, N., Tan, Q. and Rattan, S.I.S. Anti-inflammatory heat shock protein 70 genes are positively associated with human survival. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 6: 796-801, 2010. 
184. Rattan, S.I.S. and Demirovic, D. Hormesis and aging. In: Hormesis: A Revolution in Biology, Toxicology and Medicine. (Editors: M.P Mattson and E. Calabrese); pp. 153-175, Humana Press, Springer Science and Business Media, 2010.


183. Rattan, S.I.S. and Singh, R. Gene therapy in aging. Gene Therapy, 16: 3-9, 2009.
182. Sejersen, H. and Rattan, S.I.S. Dicarbonyl-induced accelerated aging in vitro in human skin fibroblasts. Biogerontology, 10: 203-211, 2009.
181. Rattan, S.I.S., Fernandes, R.A., Demirovic, D., Dymek, B. and Lima, C. F. Heat stress and hormetin-induced hormesis in human cells: effects on aging, wound healing, angiogenesis and differentiation. Dose Response, 7: 90-103, 2009.

180. Rattan, S.I.S. Hormetic interventions in aging. American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 3: 30-43, 2008.
179. Rattan, S.I.S. Principles and practice of hormetic treatment of aging and age-related diseases. Human and Experimental Toxicology, 27: 151-154, 2008.
178. Abete, P., Calabrese, E., Ji, L.L., Kristensen, T., Le Bourg, E., Loeschcke, V., Morris, B., Rengo, F., Rattan, S.I.S., Safwat, A., Sarup, P., Sørensen, J., and Vaiserman, A. Mild stress and healthy aging: perspectives for human beings. In: Mild Stress and Healthy Aging. (Editors: E. Le Bourg and S.I.S. Rattan), pp. 171-184; Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2008.
177. Rattan, S.I.S. Hormetic modulation of aging in human cells. In: Mild Stress and Healthy Aging. (Editors: E. Le Bourg and S.I.S. Rattan), pp. 81-96; Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2008.
176. Rattan, S.I.S. Cellular senescence in vitro. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, 2008. (doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0002567.pub2)
175. Berge, U., Kristensen, P. and Rattan, S.I.S. Hormetic modulation of differentiation of normal human epidermal keratinocytes undergoing replicative senescence in vitro. Experimental Gerontology, 43: 658-662, 2008.
174. Rattan, S.I.S. Increased molecular damage and heterogeneity as the basis of aging. Biological Chemistry, 389, 267-272, 2008.
173. Rattan, S.I.S. Hormesis in aging. Ageing Research Reviews, 7, 62-78, 2008.

172. Calabrese, E.J, + 50 other authors, including Rattan, S.I.S. Biological stress response terminology: Integrating the concepts of adaptive response and preconditioning stress within a hormetic dose–response framework. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 22: 122-128, 2007.

171. Rattan, S.I.S., Sejersen, H, Fernandes, R.A. and Luo, W. Stress mediated hormetic modulation of wound healing and angiogenesis in human cells Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1119, 112-121, 2007.
170. Rattan, S.I.S. (2007) The science of healthy aging. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1114: 1-10, 2007.
169. Singh, R., Kølvraa, S. and Rattan, S.I.S. Genetics of longevity with emphasis on the relevance of HSP70 genes. Frontiers in Bioscience, 12: 4504-4513, 2007.
168. Berge, U., Behrens, J. and Rattan, S.I.S Sugar-induced premature aging and altered differentiation in human epidermal keratinocytes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1100: 524-529, 2007.
167. Sejersen, H. and Rattan, S.I.S. Glyoxal-induced premature senescence in human skin fibroblasts. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1100: 518-523, 2007.
166. Rattan, S.I.S. and Ali, R.E. Hormetic prevention of molecular damage during cellular aging of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1100: 424-430, 2007.
165. Rattan, S.I.S. Homeostasis, homeodynamics, and aging. Encyclopedia of Gerontology, (2nd edition; edited by J. Birren), pp. 696-699 Elsevier Inc. UK, 2007.
164. Bhattacharya, K. and Rattan, S.I.S. Dietary fats and age-related diseases. In: Prevention and Treatment of Age-related Diseases (Editors: S.I.S. Rattan and M. Kassem), pp. 335-356; Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2006.
163. Rattan, S.I.S. Biological causes of aging and age-related diseases. In: Prevention and Treatment of Age-related Diseases (Editors: S.I.S. Rattan and M. Kassem), pp. 1-13; Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2006.
162. Rattan, S.I.S. Theories of biological aging: genes, proteins and free radicals. Free Radical Research, 40: 1230-1238, 2006.
161. Singh, R., Kølvraa, S., Bross, P., Jensen, U.B., Gregersen, N., Tan, Q., Knudsen, C., and Rattan, S.I.S. Reduced heat shock response in human mononuclear cells during aging and its association with polymorphisms in HSP70 genes. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 11: 208-215, 2006.
160. Deocaris, C.C., Shrestha, B.G., Kraft, D.C., Yamasaki, K., Kaul, S.C., Taira, K., Rattan, S.I.S. and Wadhwa, R. Geroprotection by glycerol: insights to its mechanisms and clinical potentials. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1067: 488-492, 2006.
159. Gonzalez-Dosal, R.,Sørensen, M.D., Clark, B.F.C., Rattan, S.I.S. and Kristensen, P. Phage displayed antibodies for the detection of glycated proteasome in aging cells. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1067: 474-478, 2006.
158. Nørgaard, R., Kassem, M., and Rattan, S.I.S. Heat shock-induced enhancement of osteoblastic differentiation of hTERT-immortalized mesenchymal stem cells. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1067: 443-447, 2006.
157. Kraft, D.C., Deocaris, C.C. Wadhwah, R and Rattan, S.I.S. Preincubation with the proteasome inhibitor MG-132 enhances proteasome activity via the Nrf2 transcription factor in aging human skin fibroblasts. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1067: 422-426, 2006.
156. Ali, R.E. and Rattan, S.I.S. Curcumin’s biphasic hormetic response on proteasome activity and heat shock protein synthesis in human keratinocytes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1067: 394-399, 2006.
155. Nielsen, E.R., Eskildsen-Helmond, Y.E.G. and rattan, S.I.S. MAP kinases and heat shock-induced hormesis in human fibroblasts during serial passaging in vitro. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1067: 343-348, 2006.
154. Berge, U., Kristensen, P. and Rattan, S.I.S. Kinetin-induced differentiation of normal human keratinocytes undergoing aging in vitro. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,1067: 332-336, 2006.
153. Singh, R., Kølvraa, S., Bross, P., Christensen, K., Gregersen, N., Tan, Q., Jensen, U.B., Eiberg, H and Rattan, S.I.S. Heat shock protein 70 genes and human longevity: a view from Denmark. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1067: 301-308, 2006.
152. Kraft, D.C., Deocaris, C.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Proteasomal oscillation during mild heat shock in aging human skin fibroblasts. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1067: 224-227, 2006.
151. Rattan, S.I.S. Principles of ageing and the practice of anti-ageing therapies. Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences, 20: 17-26, 2006.
150. Olshansky, S.J. and Rattan, S.I.S. What determines longevity: metabolic rate or stability? Discovery Medicine, 5, 359-362, 2005.
149. Olshansky, S.J. and Rattan, S.I.S. At the heart of aging: is it metabolic rate or stability? Biogerontology, 6: 291-295; 2005.
148. Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Understanding and modulating ageing. IUBMB Life, 57: 297-304, 2005.
147. Rattan, S.I.S. Anti-ageing strategies: prevention or therapy? EMBO Reports, 6: S25-S29, 2005.
146. Rattan, S.I.S. and Sodagam, L. Gerontomodulatory and youth-preserving effects of zeatin on human skin fibroblasts undergoing aging in vitro. Rejuvenation Research, 8: 46-57, 2005.
145. Rattan, S.I.S. Aging intervention, prevention and therapy through hormesis. Journals of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 59A:705-709, 2004.
144. Rattan, S.I.S., Gonzalez-Dosal, R., Nielsen, E.R., Kraft, D.C., Weibel, J. and Kahns, S. Slowing down aging from within: mechanistic aspects of anti-aging hormetic effects of mild heat stress on human cells. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 51: 481-492, 2004.
143. Rattan, S.I.S. Hormetic mechanisms of anti-aging and rejuvenating effects of repeated mild heat stress on human fibroblasts in vitro. Rejuvenation Research, 7, 40-48, 2004.
142. Singh R, Kølvraa, S., Bross, P., Gregersen, N., Nexø, B.A., Frederiksen, H., Christensen, K. and Rattan, S.I.S. Association between low self-rated health and heterozygosity for -110A>C polymorphism in the promoter region of HSP70-1 in aged Danish twins. Biogerontology, 5, 169-176, 2004.
141. Rattan, S.I.S. Mechanisms of hormesis through mild heat stress on human cells. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1019: 554-558, 2004.
140. Rattan, S.I.S. Aging, anti-aging, and hormesis. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 125,285-289, 2004.
139. Beedholm, R., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Mild heat stress stimulates 20S proteasome and its 11S activator in human fibroblasts undergoing aging in vitro. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 9, 49-57, 2004.
138. Rattan, S.I.S., Eskildsen-Helmond, Y. and Beedholm, R. Molecular mechanisms of anti-aging hormetic effects of mild heat stress on human cells. Non-Linearity in Biology, Toxicology and Medicine, 2: 1-12, 2004.
137. Minois, N. and Rattan, S.I.S. Hormesis in aging. In: Modulating Aging and Longevity (edt: S.I.S. Rattan); pp. 127-137; Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2003.
136. Rattan, S.I.S. Aging outside the body: usefulness of the Hayflick system. In: Aging of Cells Inside and Outside the Body. (edt: S. Kaul and R. Wadhwa); pp. 1-8; Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2003.
135. Rattan, S.I.S. Transcriptional and translational dysregulation during aging. In: Aging at the Molecular Level. (edt: T. von Zglinicki); pp. 179-191; Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2003.
134. Hercus, M., Loeschcke, V. and Rattan, S.I.S. Extension of longevity of Drosophila by repeated mild heat stress exposures. Biogerontology, 4, 149-156, 2003.
133. Rattan, S.I.S. Biology of aging and possibilities of gerontomodulation. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, B69, 157-164, 2003.
132. Co-endorser of the “Position Statement on Human Aging”, published in the June, Scientific American
131. Fonager, J., Beedholm, R., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Mild stress-induced stimulation of heat shock protein synthesis and improved functional ability of human fibroblasts undergoing aging in vitro. Experimental Gerontology, 37: 1223-1228, 2002.
130. Simonsen, J.L., Rosada, C., Serak, N., Justesen, J., Stenderup, K., Rattan, S.I.S., Jensen, T.G. and Kassem, M. Telomerase expression extends the proliferative life-span and maintains the osteogenic potential of human bone marrow stromal cells. Nature Biotechnology, 20, 592-596, 2002.
129. Verbeke, P., Deries, M., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Hormetic action of mild heat stress decreases the inducibility of protein oxidation and glycoxidation in human fibroblasts. Biogerontology, 3, 117-120, 2002.
128. Rattan, S.I.S. N6-furfuryladenine (kinetin) as a potential anti-aging molecule. Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, 5, 113-116, 2002.
127. Verbeke, P., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Reduced levels of oxidized and glycoxidized proteins in human fibroblasts exposed to repeated mild heat shock during serial passaging in vitro. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine, 31, 1593-1602, 2001.
126. Rattan, S.I.S. and Siboska, G. Kinetin: et potentielt anti-aldringsmolekyle. Dansk Kemi, 82 (#11), 45-47, 2001. (in Danish)
125. Beedholm, R. and Rattan, S.I.S. Proteasomet. Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 3 (#4), 4-6, 2001. (in Danish)
124. Rattan, S.I.S. “I no longer believe in programmed aging”, an interview with Vincent Cristofalo. Biogerontology, 2, 283-290, 2001.
123. Rattan, S.I.S. Hormesis in biogerontology. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 31, 663-664, 2001.
122. Rattan, S.I.S. Ungdommens Kilde. Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 3 (#3), 25-27, 2001. (in Danish)
121. Verbeke, P., Fonager, J., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Heat shock response and ageing: mechanisms and applications. Cell Biology International, 25, 845-857, 2001.
120. Rattan, S.I.S. Applying hormesis in aging research and therapy. Human and Experimental Toxicology, 20, 281-285, 2001. first published in: BELLE Newsletter, 9, (3) 2-5, 2001. (with 10 expert commentaries, and my response on pp. 28-29).
119. Stenderup, K., Justesen, J., Eriksen, E.F., Rattan, S.I.S. and Kassem, M. Number and proliferative capacity of osteogenic stem cells are maintained during aging and in patients with osteoporosis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 16, 1120-1129, 2001.
118. Rattan, S.I.S. From vitagenes to gerontogenes and the other way around: research strategies. In: Current Concepts in Experimental Gerontology (Eds: C. Bertoni-Freddari and H. Niedermüller), pp. 15-22; Facultas Wien, 2001.
117. Kveiborg, M., Rattan, S.I.S., Clark, B.F.C., Eriksen, E.F. and Kassem M. Treatment with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 reduces impairment of human osteoblast functions during cellular aging in culture. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 186, 298-306, 2001.

116. Barciszweski, J., Siboska, G., Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Occurrence, biosynthesis and properties of kinetin (N6-furfuryladenine). Plant Growth Regulation, 32, 257-265, 2000.
115. Barciszweski, J., Siboska, G., Clark, B.F.C and Rattan, S.I.S. Cytokinin formation by oxidative metabolism. Journal of Plant Physiology, 157, 587-588, 2000.
114. Kveiborg, M., Flyvbjerg, A., Rattan, S.I.S. and Kassem M. Changes in the insulin-like growth factor-system may contribute to in vitro age-related impaired osteoblast functions. Experimental Gerontology, 35, 1061-1074, 2000.
113. Verbeke, P., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Modulating cellular aging in vitro: hormetic effects of repeated mild heat stress on protein oxidation and glycation. Experimental Gerontology, 35, 787-794, 2000.
112. Verbeke, P., Siboska, G.E., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Kinetin inhibits protein oxidation and glycoxidation in vitro. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 276, 1265-1270, 2000.
111. Rattan, S.I.S. “Just a fellow who did his job…”, an interview with Leonard Hayflick. Biogerontology, 1, 79-87, 2000.
110. Rattan, S.I.S. and Kveiborg, M. Alderdomsbiologi – det naeste skridt. Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 2 (#4), 4-6, 2000. (in Danish)
109. Christiansen, M., Stevnsner, T., Bohr, V.A., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Gene-specific DNA repair of pyrimidine dimers does not decline during cellular aging in vitro. Experimental Cell Research, 256, 308-314, 2000.
108. Christiansen, M., Kveiborg, M., Kassem, M., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. CBFA1 and topoisomerase I mRNA levels decline during cellular aging of human trabecular osteoblasts. Journals of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 55A, B194-B200, 2000.
107. Rattan, S.I.S. Biogerontology: the next step. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 908, 282-290, 2000.
106. Rattan, S.I.S. Gerontogenes, ageing, and hormesis. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 38, 1-5, 2000.

105. Olsen, A., Siboska, G.E., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. N6-furfuryladenine, kinetin, protects against Fenton reaction-mediated oxidative damage to DNA. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 265: 499-502, 1999.
104. Kveiborg, M., Kassem, M., Langdahl, B., Eriksen, E.F., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Telomere shortening during aging of human osteoblasts in vitro and leucocytes in vivo: lack of excessive telomere loss in osteoporotic patients. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 106: 261-271, 1999.
103. Barciszewski, J., Barciszewska, M., Siboska, G., Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Some unusual nucleic acid bases are products of hydroxyl radical oxidation of DNA and RNA. Molecular Biology Reports, 26, 31-38, 1999.
102. Barciszewski, J., Rattan, S.I.S., Siboska, G. and Clark, B.F.C. Kinetin – 45 years on. Plant Science, 148, 37-45, 1999.
101. Rattan, S.I.S. Ageing genes: gerontogenes. Encyclopaedia of Life Sciences, (Macmillan Press, UK), Article # 3059; 1999
100. Rattan, S.I.S. Cellular senescence in vitro. Encyclopaedia of Life Sciences, (Macmillan Press, UK), Article # 2567; 1999.
099. Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Protein synthesis, post-translational modifications and aging. Alfred Benzon Symposium, 44, 320-331, 1999.

097. Rattan, S.I.S. Repeated mild heat shock delays ageing in cultured human skin fibroblasts. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 45, 753-759, 1998.
096. Gonos, E.S., Derventzi, A., Kveiborg, M., Agiostratidou, G., Kassem, M., Clark, B.F.C., Jat, P.S. and Rattan, S.I.S. Cloning and identification of genes that associate with mammalian replicative senescence. Experimental Cell Research, 240, 66-74, 1998.
095. Rattan, S.I.S. Is gene therapy for aging possible? Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 36, 233-236, 1998.
094. Rattan, S.I.S. Molecular, cellular and genetic determinants of aging. Aging: Clinical and Experimental Research, 9, 430-432.
093. Rattan, S.I.S. The nature of gerontogenes and vitagenes. Antiaging effects of repeated heat shock on human fibroblasts. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 854, 54-60, 1998.

092. Sharma, S.P., Kaur, J. and Rattan, S.I.S.Increased longevity of kinetin-fed Zaprionus fruitflies is accompanied by their reduced fecundity and enhanced catalase activity. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 41, 869-875, 1997.
091. Barciszewski, J., Siboska, G.E., Pedersen, B.O., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Furfural, a precursor of the cytokinin hormone kinetin, and base propenals are formed by hydroxy radical damage of DNA. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 238, 317-319, 1997.
090. Barciszewski, J., Siboska, G.E., Pedersen, B.O., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. A mechanism for the in vivo formation of kinetin as a secondary oxidative damage product in DNA. FEBS Letters, 414, 457-460, 1997.
089. Kassem, M., Ankersen, L., Eriksen, E.F., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Demonstration of cellular aging and senescence in serially passaged long term cultures of human trabecular osteoblasts. Osteoporosis International, 7, 514-524, 1997.
088. Rattan, S.I.S. Gene therapy for ageing: mission impossible? Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics, 3, 27-29, 1997.
087. Rattan, S.I.S. and Christiansen, M.Genterapi mod aldring: muligt eller ej? Ugeskrift for Læger, 159, 6381-6383, 1997. (in Danish)
086. Rattan, S.I.S. Genes for aging: gerontogenes. In: Molecular Biology of Development and Aging. (ed.: M.S. Kanungo), pp. 97-102, New Age Int. Pbl., New Delhi, India, 1997.

085. Riis, B. and Rattan, S.I.S.The antibiotic fusidic acid inhibits ADP-ribosylation of protein elongation factor-2 in human cells. Medical Science Research, 24, 221-222, 1996.
084. Norsgaard, H., Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Distinction between differentiation and senescence and the absence of increased apoptosis in human keratinocytes undergoing cellular aging in vitro. Experimental Gerontology, 31, 563-570, 1996.
083. Barciszewski, J., Siboska, G.E., Pedersen, B.O., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Evidence for the presence of kinetin in DNA and cell extracts. FEBS Letters, 393, 197-200, 1996.
082. Rattan, S.I.S. Cellular and molecular determinants of ageing. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 34, 1-6, 1996.
081. Rattan, S.I.S. and Kveiborg, M. Aldring i reagensglas: hvilken relevans? Gerontologi og Samfund, 12, 15-16,1996. (in Danish)
080. Rattan, S.I.S. Synthesis, modifications and turnover of proteins during cellular aging. Experimental Gerontology, 31, 33-47, 1996.
079. Rattan, S.I.S. Cellular ageing in vitro as the basis of understanding ageing in vivo. Facts and Research in Gerontology, 5, 7-17, 1996.
078. Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Intracellular protein synthesis, modifications and aging. Biochemical Society Transactions, 24, 1043-1049, 1996.
077. Derventzi, A., Rattan, S.I.S. and Gonos, E.S.Molecular links between cellular mortality and immortality. Anticancer Research, 16, 2901-2910, 1996.
076. Derventzi, A., Gonos, E.S. and Rattan, S.I.S.Ageing and cancer – a struggle of tendencies. In: Molecular Gerontology – Research Status and Strategies. (eds.: S.I.S. Rattan and O. Toussaint), pp. 15-23, Plenum Press, New York, USA, 1996.
075. Andersen, L.B., Lund, A., Kveiborg, M., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. From genes to functional gene products during ageing. In: Molecular Gerontology – Research Status and Strategies. (eds.: S.I.S. Rattan and O. Toussaint), pp.53-73, Plenum Press, New York, USA, 1996.
074. Toussaint, O. and Rattan, S.I.S. From molecular gerontology to healthy old age. In: Molecular Gerontology – Research Status and Strategies. (eds.: S.I.S. Rattan and O. Toussaint), pp. 201-209, Plenum Press, New York, USA, 1996.

073. Riis, B., Rattan, S.I.S., Palmquist, K., Clark, B.F.C. and Nygård, O. Dephosphorylation of the phosphorylated elongation factor-2 in the livers of calorie-restricted and freely-fed rats during ageing. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 35, 855-859, 1995.
072. Barciszewski, J., Barciszewska, M.Z., Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C.The structure and properties of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine – novel biomarker in aging and carcinogenesis studies. Polish Journal of Chemistry, 69, 841-851, 1995.
071. Levels of oxidative DNA damage product 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine in human serum increase with age. Medical Science Research, 23, 469-470, 1995.
070. Sharma, S.P., Kaur, P. and Rattan, S.I.S.Plant growth hormone kinetin delays ageing, prolongs the lifespan and slows down development of the fruitfly Zaprionus paravittiger. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 216, 1067-1071, 1995.
069. Rattan, S.I.S. Gerontogenes: real or virtual? FASEB J. 9, 284-286, 1995.
068. Rattan, S.I.S. Cellular and molecular basis of aging. In: Hormones and Aging (eds: P.S. Timiras, W.B. Quay and A.Vernadakis), pp. 267-290, CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 1995.
067. Rattan, S.I.S.Translation and post-translational modifications during aging. In: Molecular Basis of Aging (ed: A. Macieira-Coelho), pp. 389-420, CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 1995.
066. Rattan, S.I.S.Protein synthesis and regulation in eukaryotes. In: Principles of Medical Biology , vol. 4, Cell Chemistry and Physiology (eds: E.E. Bittar and N. Bittar), pp. 247-263, JAI Press Inc., USA, 1995.
065. Rattan, S.I.S. Ageing – a biological perspective. Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 16, 439-508, 1995.
064. Rattan, S.I.S. Genes for ageing: gerontogenes. In: Proceedings of the EU Conference on The Human Genome in Europe: Scientific, Ethical and Social Aspects. pp 32-36, Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, Brussels, 1995.

063. Ankersen, L., Kassem, M., Ostergaard, L.H., Eriksen, E.E., Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S.Aging of human trabecular osteoblasts in culture. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, suppl. 4, 5-12, 1994.
062. Norsgaard, H., Glenting, M., Kristensen, P. Clark, B.F.C. and Rattan, S.I.S. Aging, differentiation and apoptosis in human epidermal keratinocytes in culture. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, suppl. 4, 185-196, 1994.
061. Svendsen, L., Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Testing garlic for possible anti-ageing effects on long-term growth characteristics, morphology and macromolecular synthesis of human fibroblasts in culture. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 43, 125-133, 1994.
060. Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Kinetin delays the onset of ageing characteristics in human fibroblasts. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 201, 665-672, 1994.
059. Rattan, S.I.S. and Stacey, G.N.The uses of diploid cell strains in research in aging. In: Cell and Tissue Culture: Laboratory Procedures (eds: J.B. Griffiths, A. Doyle and D.G. Newell), Part 6D, pp. 2.1-2.12, John Wiley, UK, 1994.

058. Barciszewski, J., Rattan, S.I.S., Siboska, G.E., Otzen, D.E. and Clark, B.F.C. Reduction in the amount of 8-hydroxy-2´-deoxyguanosine in the DNA of SV40-transformed human fibroblasts as compared with normal cells in culture. FEBS Letters, 318, 186-188, 1993.
057. Derventzi, A., Rattan. S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C.Phorbol ester PMA stimulates protein synthesis and increases the levels of active elongation factors EF-1a and EF-2 in ageing human fibroblasts. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 69, 193-205, 1993.
056. Riis, B., Rattan, S.I.S., Palmquist, K., Nilsson, A., Nygård, O. and Clark, B.F.C. Elongation factor 2-specific calcium and calmodulin dependent protein kinase III activity in rat livers varies with age and calorie restriction. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 192, 1210-1216, 1993.
055. Johansen, L.B and Rattan, S.I.S. Protein synthesis and aging. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 3, 3-12, 1993.
054. Rattan, S.I.S. and Ankersen, L. Hvad er gerontogener? Gerontologi og Samfund, 9, 24-25, 1993. (in Danish)

053. Derventzi, A., Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C.Phorbol ester-induced reorganization of the cytoskeleton in human fibroblasts during ageing in vitro. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications, 182, 1423-1428, 1992.
052. Derventzi, A., Rattan. S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Senescent human fibroblasts are more sensitive to the effects of a phorbol ester on macromolecular synthesis and growth characteristics. Biochemistry International, 27, 903-911, 1992.
051. Barciszewski, J., Otzen, D., Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Specific incorportation of kinetin into eukaryotic and prokaryotic transfer ribonucleic acid molecules. Biochemistry International, 28, 805-811, 1992.
050. Rattan, S.I.S. Regulation of protein synthesis during ageing. European Journal of Gerontology, 1, 128-136, 1992.
049. Rattan, S.I.S., Derventzi, A. and Clark, B.F.C. Protein synthesis, post-translational modifications and aging. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 663, 48-62, 1992.
048. Rattan, S.I.S. and Riis, B. Why we grow old. In: Realm of Differentiation (ed. M. Habibulla), pp 87-93,Neelkanth Publishers, New Delhi, India, 1992.

047. Rattan, S.I.S., Ward, W.F., Glenting, M., Svendsen, L., Riis, B. and Clark, B.F.C. Dietary calorie restriction does not affect the levels of protein elongation factors in rat livers during ageing. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 58, 85-91, 1991.
046. Rattan, S.I.S. Aging and disease: proteins as the molecular link. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 34, 526-533, 1991.
045. Rattan, S.I.S. and Derventzi, A. Altered cellular responsiveness during ageing. BioEssays, 13, 601-606, 1991.
044. Rattan, S.I.S.Protein synthesis and the components of protein synthetic machinery. Mutation Research, 256, 115-125, 1991.
043. Derventzi, A. and Rattan, S.I.S. Homeostatic imbalance during cellular ageing: altered responsiveness. Mutation Research, 256, 190-202, 1991.
042. Rattan, S.I.S. and Derventzi, A. Gene expression during ageing: protein synthesis and post-translational modifications. Topics in Aging Research in Europe, 16,133-142, 1991.
041. Riis, B., Rattan, S.I.S., Derventzi, A. and Clark, B.F.C. Reduced levels of ADP-ribosylatable elongation factor-2 in aged and SV40-transformed human cells. FEBS Letters, 266, 45-47, 1990.
040. Rattan, S.I.S. and Riis, B. Er vores livetid programmeret? Gerontologi og samfund, 6, 6-8, 1990. (in Danish)
039. Riis, B., Rattan, S.I.S., Clark, B.F.C. and Merrick, W.C. Eukaryotic protein elongation factors. Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TIBS), 15, 420-424, 1990.
038. Rattan, S.I.S. and Kristensen, O. Continuous gene expression in vitro: the Spirin system. Trends in Biotechnology, 8, 275-276, 1990.
037. Riis, B., Rattan, S.I.S., Cavallius, J, and Clark, B.F.C. ADP-ribosylatable content of elongation factor-2 changes during cell cycle of normal and cancerous human cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 159, 1141-1146, 1989.
036. Riis, B., Rattan, S.I.S., Cavallius, J. and Clark, B.F.C. Levels of active elongation factor-2 in rat livers during ageing. Topics in Aging Research in Europe, 13, 117-124, 1989.
035. Cavallius, J., Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C.A decrease in levels of mRNA for elongation factor-1a accompanies the decline in its activity and the amounts of active enzyme in rat livers during ageing. Topics in Aging Research in Europe, 13, 125-132, 1989.
034. Riis, B., Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Estimating the amounts of ADP-ribosylatable elongation factor-2 in mammalian cell-free extracts. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 19, 319-326, 1989.
033. Rattan, S.I.S. DNA damage and repair during cellular aging. International Review of Cytology, 116, 47-88, 1989.
032. Rattan, S.I.S. Going in circles: what future for ageing research? BioEssays, 11, 3-4, 1989.
031. Riis, B. and Rattan, S.I.S. Alderdom og biokemi. Naturens Verden, No. 9, 329-336, 1989. (in Danish)
030. Rattan, S.I.S. and Riis, B. Biokemisk forskning i alderdom, hvorfor? Ugeskrift for Læger, 151, 3085-3086, 1989. (in Danish)
029. Rattan, S.I.S., Rasmussen, L.M., Bjerring, P., Bhatia, P. and Clark, B.F.C. Human plasma fibronectin levels during ageing, Alzheimer ´s disease and cancer. Trends in Biomedical Gerontology, 1, 61-62, 1988.
028. Rattan, S.I.S., Cavallius, J., Madsen, A., Hartvigen, G. and Clark, B.F.C. Inhibition of protein elongation factor-1a during heat shock of ageing and immortal human cells. Trends in Biomedical Gerontology, 1, 195-196, 1988.
027. Rattan, S.I.S., Rasmussen, L.M., Bjerring, P., Bhatia, P. and Clark, B.F.C. Unchanged concentrations of plasma fibronectin in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 41, 476, 1988.
026. Rattan, S.I.S., Cavallius, J. and Clark, B.F.C. Heat shock-related decline in amounts of active elongation factor-1a and its activity in ageing and immortal human cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 152, 169-176, 1988.
025. Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Ageing: a challenge for biotechnology. Trends in Biotechnology, 6, 58-62, 1988.
024. Rattan, S.I.S. Science behind spices: inhibition of platelet aggregation and prostaglandin synthesis. BioEssays, 8, 161-162, 1988.
023. Rattan, S.I.S. Finding differences in biochemistry: the case of ageing. Trends in Biotechnology, 6, 267-268, 1988.
022. Bhatia, P., Rattan, S.I.S., Cavallius, J., and Clark, B.F.C. Withania somnifera (Ashawagandha), a so-called rejuvenator, inhibits growth and macromolecular synthesis on human cells. Medical Science Research, 15, 515-516, 1987.
021. Rattan, S.I.S. and Bhatia, P. Genetic engineering: Fact, fiction and future. Indo-European Medical Journal, 2, (2), 27-29, 1987.
020. Rattan, S.I.S., Cavallius, J., Bhatia, P. and Clark, B.F.C. Protein elongation factor-1a in ageing rodent brain. In: Aging – a multifactorial discussion (eds. K. Subba Rao and V. Prabhakar) pp. 125-130, Association of Gerontology Publishers, India, 1987.
019. Rattan, S.I.S., Cavallius, J., Coppard, N.J., Mosses, D., Madsen, A. and Clark, B.F.C. Post-translational methylation of elongation factor-1a in ageing and immortal human cells. Topics in Aging Research in Europe, 7, 132-145, 1986.
018. Cavallius, J., Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Changes in activity and amount of active elongation factor-1a in aging and immortal human fibroblast cultures. Experimental Gerontology, 21,149-157, 1986.
017. Rattan, S.I.S., Cavallius, J., Hartvigsen, G. and Clark, B.F.C.Amounts of active elongation factor-1a and its activity in livers of mice during ageing. Trends in Aging Research/ Colloque INSERM. 147, 135-140, 1986.
016. Rattan, S.I.S. Ageing and immortality. BioEssays, 4, 82-83, 1986.
015. Rattan, S.I.S. Ageing trends and the European effort. BioEssays, 5, 51-52, 1986.
014. Holliday, R., Thompson, K.V.A., Huschtscha, L.I., Rattan, S.I.S., Sedgwick, S.G. and Spanos, A. Experimental studies on Werner’s syndrome fibroblasts. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 190, 331-339, 1985.
013. Rattan, S.I.S. Beyond the present crisis in gerontology. BioEssays, 2, 226-228, 1985.
012. Holliday, R. and Rattan, S.I.S. Evidence that paromomycin induces premature ageing of human fibroblasts in culture. Monographs in Developmental Biology, 17, 221-233, 1984.
011. Rattan, S.I.S. RNA recombination: a breakthrough in genetic engineering. Science Reporter, 21, 330-332, 1984.
010. Rattan, S.I.S. Ageing outside the body. Science Today, 17 (8), 52-55, 1983.
09. Rattan, S.I.S. and Buchanan, J.H. Optimum conditions for growth and longevity of chick embryo fibroblasts in culture. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 19, 1-4, 1982.
08. Rattan, S.I.S., Keeler, K.D., Buchanan, J.H. and Holliday, R.Autofluorescence as an index of ageing in human fibroblasts in culture. Bioscience Reports, 2, 561-567, 1982.
07. Rattan, S.I.S. Uptake, accumulation and release of paromomycin by human fibroblasts in culture. IRCS Medical Sciences, 10, 807-808, 1982.
06. Buchanan, J.H., Rattan, S.I.S., Stevens, A. and Holliday, R. Intracellular accumulation of a fluorescsent derivative of paromomycin in human fibroblasts. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 20, 71-82, 1982.
05. Rattan, S.I.S. and Mookerjee, S.Altered profiles of RNA synthesis in a dimethyl sulphate mutant hydra. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 17, 1007-1011, 1979.
04. Sharma, S.P., Rattan, S. and Sharma, G.Temperature dependent longevity of Zabrotes subfasciatus Boh. (Col. Bruch.). Comparative Physiology and Ecology, 4, 229-231, 1979.
03. Sharma, S.P., Sharma, G. and Rattan, S. The biological phenomenon of ageing. Everyday Science,22 (3), 1-4, 1977.
02. Sharma, S.P. and Rattan, S. Lipofuscin – an index of ageing. Everyday Science, 21 (4), 35-36, 1976.
01. Sharma, S.P. and Rattan, S. Lysosome – the suicidal bag. Everyday Science,21 (2), 39-43, 1976.